aboard (r)

trên máy bay

on or onto a ship, plane, bus, or train


lavatory (n)

phòng vệ sinh

a room with a toilet and a sink, especially on a plane


switch off (phrasal verb)
/swɪtʃ ɑːf/


to turn a light, machine, etc. off by pressing a button or switch

switch off

blanket (n)

cái chăn

a flat cover made of wool or similar warm material, usually used on a bed


oxygen mask (n)
/ˈɑːk.sɪ.dʒən mɑːsk/

mặt nạ oxy

a piece of equipment that can be put over a person's nose and mouth to supply them with oxygen

oxygen mask

sleep mask (n)
/sliːp mɑːsk/

mặt nạ ngủ

a blindfold is a garment, usually of cloth, tied to one's head to cover the eyes to disable the wearer's sight

sleep mask

seat pocket (noun phrase)
/siːt ˈpɑː.kɪt/

túi ghế

a bag wrapped rear seats to vomit bag holder, water or magazine

seat pocket

air sickness bag (noun phrase)
/erˈsɪk.nəs bæɡ/

túi nôn

a small bag commonly provided to passengers on board airplanes and boats to collect and contain vomit in the event of motion sicknes

air sickness bag

serve (v)

phục vụ

to provide food or drinks


window seat (n)
/ˈwɪn.doʊ siːt/

ghế ngay cửa sổ

a seat that is next to a window on a plane

window seat

airsick (a)

say máy bay

feeling ill as a result of the movement of a plane


service (n)

sự phục vụ

the serving of customers in hotels, restaurants, and shops/stores


cockpit (n)

buồng lái

the small closed space where the pilot sits in an aircraft


fasten (v)

thắt, cài

to become firmly fixed together, or in position, or closed


aisle seat (n)
/aɪl siːt/

ghế lối đi

the one in the middle of the plane

aisle seat

take off (phrasal verb)
/teɪk ɔf/

cất cánh

(of an aircraft) to leave the ground and fly

take off

co-pilot (n)
/ ˈkoʊˌpɑɪ·lət/

phi công phụ trên máy bay

a second pilot who helps the main pilot in an aircraft


assist (v)

hỗ trợ, giúp đỡ

to help someone to do something


first-class (n)
/ˈfɜrst ˈklæs/

hạng nhất

the best and most expensive seats or rooms on a plane, train, or ship


turn on (phrasal verb)
/tɝːn ɑːn/

bật (đèn)

to start the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch, button, etc.

turn on
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