I am in heaven (phrase)
/aɪ æm ɪn ˈhɛvn/

tôi đang ở trong một khoảnh khắc tuyệt vời

to mean to be in a very good time

I am in heaven

head was going to explode (phrase)
/hɛd wəz ˈɡoʊɪŋ tu ɪkˈsploʊd/

đầu đau như muốn nổ tung

to have a bad headache

head was going to explode

altitude (n)

độ cao

the height of a place or thing above sea level


take heed (phrase)
/teɪk hid/

đề phòng, lưu ý, chú ý

to pay careful attention to someone or something

take heed

cigarette (n)

thuốc lá, xì gà

a thin tube of paper filled with tobacco, for smoking


intake (n)

lượng nhận vào

the amount of food, liquids, etc. that you take into your body


acclimate (v)

thích nghi/làm quen với môi trường mới

to get used to a new place, situation, or climate


catch a cold (phrase)
/kætʃ ə koʊld/

bị đau, bị cảm

to become sick

catch a cold

dirt cheap (adj)
/dərt tʃip/

rẻ như bèo, rẻ như cho

very cheap

dirt cheap

astronomical (adj)

to lớn, khủng

(of an amount, a price, etc.) very large


drain (v)

làm tiêu hao, làm kiệt quệ

to make someone or something weaker, poorer, etc. by using up their/its strength, money, etc.


to be honest (phrase)
/tu bi ˈɑnəst/

thành thật mà nói

to speak truthfully

to be honest

headache (n)

nhức đầu, đau đầu

a pain you feel inside your head


on top of the world (idiom)
/ɔn tɑp əv ðə wərld/

lâng lâng, thỏa mãn

very happy or proud

on top of the world
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