on their best behavior (phrase)
/ɔn ðər bɛst bɪˈheɪvjər/

tỏ ra lịch sự, tốt tính

acting or being nice or polite

on their best behavior

freak out (phrasal verb)
/frik aʊt/

làm cho sợ, làm cho lo lắng

to make someone afaid or worried

freak out

all hell broke loose (idiom)
/ɔl hɛl broʊk lus/

có vấn đề rắc rối, nhầm lẫn hoặc hỗn loạn

suddenly there was a lot of noise, arguing, fighting, or confusion

all hell broke loose

one day shy (phrase)
/wʌn deɪ ʃaɪ/

ít hơn một ngày

one day less

one day shy

face to face (idiom)
/ feɪs tu feɪs/

mặt đối mặt, trực tiếp

in a situation where you are meeting and talking to another person directly

face to face

don't agree with me (phrase)
/doʊnt əˈɡri wɪθ mi/

làm đau bụng

make my stomach hurt

don\'t agree with me

bird's eye view (idiom)
/bərdz aɪ vju/

cảnh nhìn từ trên xuống

view of an object from above

bird\'s eye view

abandon (v)

bỏ rơi, lãng quên đi

to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever


apparently (adv)

hình như, dường như

according to what you have heard or read; according to the way something appears


sick as hell (idiom)
/sɪk æz hɛl/

rất đau, đau như xuống địa ngục

to be very ill

sick as hell

on the dot (phrase)
/ɔn ðə dɑt/

đúng giờ

at the exact time

on the dot

encounter with (phrase)
/ɪnˈkaʊntər wɪθ/

đối mặt với

to experience something, especially something unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do something else

encounter with

start off on the wrong foot (idiom)
/stɑrt ɔf ɔn ðə rɔŋ fʊt/

khởi đầu một cách xui xẻo/tệ hại

to begin badly; did not start well

start off on the wrong foot

windstorm (n)

bão, gió bão

a storm where there is very strong wind but little rain or snow

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