disaster (n)

an event that results in great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty


tornado (n)

a very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel


eruption (n)

a phenomenon of starting suddenly and violently


hurricane (n)

a violent wind that has a circular movement


drought (n)

a long period when there is little or no rain


avalanche (n)

a large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain


erosion (n)

the fact of soil, stone, etc. being gradually damaged and removed by the sea, rain, or wind


exhaust fumes (noun phrase)
/ɪɡˈzɔːst fjuːmz/

gas or flue gas is emitted as a result of the combustion of fuels such as natural gas, gasoline/petrol, diesel fuel, fuel oil or coal

exhaust fumes

iceberg (n)

a very large mass of ice that floats in the sea


snowstorm (n)

a heavy fall of snow that is blown by strong winds


hailstorm (n)

a sudden heavy fall of hail


flood (v)

to cause to fill or become covered with water


earthquake (n)

a sudden violent movement of the earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage


volcano (n)

a mountain with a large, circular hole at the top through which lava (= hot liquid rock) gases, steam, and dust


tsunami (n)

an extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea


forest fire (n)
/ˈfɔːr.ɪst faɪr/

an uncontrolled fire in a large wild area of trees

forest fire

landslide (n)

a mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steep slope


acid rain (n)
/ˈæs.ɪd reɪn/

rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals as a result of burning substances such as coal and oil

acid rain

hoarfrost (n)

a white layer of pieces of ice like needles that forms on objects outside when it is very cold


the greenhouse effect (n)
/ðə ɡriːn.haʊs ɪˈfekt/

an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere

the greenhouse effect
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