teenybopper (n)

a young girl between the ages of about 10 and 13, who is very interested in pop music, fashionable clothes, etc.


more power to (phrase)
/mɔr ˈpaʊər tu/

to mean better for

more power to

at dark (prepphrase)
/æt dɑrk/

to be at night

at dark

wear out one's welcome (idiom)
/wɛr aʊt ˈwʌnz ˈwɛlkəm/

to make someone uncomfortable by staying too long (or doing something too much)

wear out one\'s welcome

border (v)

to form a line along or around the edge of something


burden (n)

a duty or responsibility that is hard to bear


suck (adj)

not good


asleep at the wheel (idiom)
/əˈslip æt ðə wil/

being careless about what you are supposed to be doing; not doing what you are supposed to be doing

asleep at  the wheel

soundboard (n)

(music) resonator consisting of a thin board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument


unprofessional (adj)

not reaching the standard expected in a particular profession


disappointing (adj)

not as good, successful, etc. as you had hoped; making you feel disappointed

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