keep up with the Joneses (idiom)
/kip ʌp wɪθ ðə ˈdʒoʊnzəz/

đua đòi cho bằng người ta

to try to own all the same things as people you know in order to seem as good as them

keep up with the Joneses

turn a lot of heads (idiom)
/tərn ə lɑt əv hɛdz/

thu hút ánh nhìn

get a lot of attention; make people look

turn a lot of heads

blue collar (noun phrase)
/blu ˈkɑlər/

công nhân

the people have jobs that do not make a lot of money

blue collar

neighborhood (n)

khu phố

a district or an area of a town; the people who live there


brand new (adj)
/brænd nu/

hoàn toàn mới, mới toanh

completely new, especially not yet used

brand new

pop (n)

nước sôđa

a drink like soda


affluent (adj)

giàu có, thịnh vượng

having a lot of money or possessions; rich


old clunker (noun phrase)
/oʊld ˈklʌŋkər/

xe cà tàng, xe đồng nát

old cars that have a lot of problems and look bad

old clunker

designer clothes (noun phrase)
/dɪˈzaɪnər kloʊz/

đồ hiệu đắt tiền

expensive clothes

designer clothes

pretty obvious (adjphrase)
/ˈprɪt̮i ˈɑbviəs/

thực sự dễ hiểu

really easy to understand

pretty obvious

ridicule (v)

trêu chọc

to make someone or something look silly by laughing at them or it in an unkind way

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