turn a lot of heads (idiom)
/tərn ə lɑt əv hɛdz/
thu hút ánh nhìn
get a lot of attention; make people look
ridicule (v)
trêu chọc
to make someone or something look silly by laughing at them or it in an unkind way
blue collar (noun phrase)
/blu ˈkɑlər/
công nhân
the people have jobs that do not make a lot of money
keep up with the Joneses (idiom)
/kip ʌp wɪθ ðə ˈdʒoʊnzəz/
đua đòi cho bằng người ta
to try to own all the same things as people you know in order to seem as good as them
old clunker (noun phrase)
/oʊld ˈklʌŋkər/
xe cà tàng, xe đồng nát
old cars that have a lot of problems and look bad
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