rural (adj)

(thuộc) nông thôn, thôn dã

connected with or like the countryside


culture shock (noun phrase)
/ˈkʌltʃər ʃɑk/

cú sốc văn hóa

a feeling of confusion and anxiety that someone may feel when they live in or visit another country

culture shock

I bet (adj)
/aɪ bɛt/

tôi cá là đúng như thế

to mean that you agree with someone

I bet

accent (n)

giọng (phát âm)

a way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which country, area, or social class a person comes from


right off the bat (idiom)
/raɪt ɔf ðə bæt/

ngay lập tức

right away; immediately

right off the bat

new kid on the block (phrase)
/nu kɪd ɔn ðə blɑk/

người mới đến, ma mới

a person who is new to a place, an organization, etc.

new kid on the block

style (n)

phong cách

the individual way that someone behaves and does things


county (n)

địa hạt, tỉnh

the largest political division of most states in the US


on the phone (phrase)
/ɔn ðə foʊn/

đang nói chuyện điện thoại

to be using the telephone

on the phone
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