amnesty (n)
sự ân xá
an official statement that allows people who have been put in prison for crimes against the state to go free

authority (n)
cơ quan thẩm quyền
the people or an organization who have the power to make decisions

blog (n)
diễn đàn
a Web site where a person writes regularly about recent events or a particular topic

server (n)
máy chủ
a computer program that controls or supplies information to several computers connected in a network

censor (v)
kiểm duyệt
to removed a part of book, film, etc.. that is considered to be offensive, immoral

criticism (n)
sự chỉ trích, phê bình
the act of expressing disapproval of someone or something

massacre (n)
cuộc tàn sát, vụ thảm sát
the killing of a large number of people especially in a cruel way

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