abstract (a)

ideas exist as thoughts in the mind, and are not related to physical objectsor real events and actions


cognitive (a)

connected with thinking or conscious mental processes


clumsy (a)

awkward in movement or manner


independent (a)

not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, events, or things


immature (a)

an immature person behaves in a silly way, as though they are much younger than they really are


rebellious (a)

If someone is rebellious, they are difficult to control and do not behave in the way that is expected.


tolerant (a)

willing to accept someone else's beliefs, way of life etc without criticizing them, even if you disagree with them


acquire (v)

to get new knowledge or a new skill by learning it


look back (phrasal verb)
/lʊk bæk/

to think about a time or event in the past

look back

irresponsible (a)

done or said without thinking of the possible results of your actions or words


reminisce (v)

to talk, think, or write about enjoyable experiences in your past


throw a tantrum (phrase)
/θrəʊ ə ˈtæn.trəm/

to experience and show a strong feeling of anger, especially suddenly

throw a tantrum

patient (a)

having patience


bear something in mind (phrase)
/beər ˈsʌm.θɪŋ ɪn maɪnd/

to remember to consider something when you are thinking about or doing something else

bear something in mind

broaden your mind (phrase)
/ˈbrɔː.dən jɔːr maɪnd/

to help you understand the world and make you more able to accept other people's ideas and beliefs

broaden your mind

have something in mind (phrase)
/hæv ˈsʌm.θɪŋ ɪn maɪnd/

to have a plan or intention

have something in mind

fond (a)

to like someone or something very much; to like doing something


significant (a)

important or noticeable


healthy (a)

strong and well


optimistic (a)

hoping or believing that good things will happen in the future

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