journalism (n)
ngành báo
the work of collecting, writing, and publishing or broadcasting news stories and articles

publish (v)
xuất bản
to produce something that people want to read, watch or play and make it available to the public

newspaper (n)
a set of large printed sheets of paper containing news, articles, advertisements, etc. and published every day or every week

reporter (n)
phóng viên
a person whose job is to discover information about news events and describe them for a newspaper or magazine or for radio or television
magazine (n)
tạp chí
a large thin book with a paper cover, containing reports, photographs, stories etc

editor (n)
chủ bút, biên tập viên
someone whose job is to be in charge of a newspaper or magazine

mass media (n)
/mæs ˈmiː.di.ə/
phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng
newspapers, television, radio etc that communicate news and information to large numbers of people

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