laundry (n)

quần áo bẩn

the dirty clothes and sheets that need to be, are being, or have been washed


sort (v)

tuyển chọn, phân loại

to arrange things into different groups or types or into an order


watch (v)

trông coi

to look at someone or something for a time


load (n)

nỗi phiền, gánh nặng

the amount of weight or pressure that something has to bear


take it upon oneself (phrase)
/teɪk ɪt əˈpɑːn ˌwʌnˈself/

tự nhận trách nhiệm làm gì

to decide to do something without asking permission from anyone else

take it upon oneself

worry (v)

lo lắng, bận tâm

to think about problems or unpleasant things that might happen in a way that makes you feel anxious


on bed rest (phrase)
/ɑːn bed rest/

nghỉ ngơi trên giường

in the state of lying in bed for most of some periods of time to gain health benefits

on bed rest

dirty (a)

dơ bẩn

not clean


take things the wrong way (phrase)
/teɪk θɪŋs ðə rɑːŋ weɪ/

mếch lòng

to make someone feeling unpleasure

take things the wrong way

strong-willed (a)

cứng cỏi, kiên quyết

very determined to do what you want to do


wife (n)


the woman that you are married to


parenting (n)

việc nuôi nấng con cái

the activities involved in being a parent and bringing up children


politely (r)

một cách lịch sự

in a pleasant way that follows all the usual rules of society


meddle (v)

can thiệp vào

to try to change or have an influence on things that are not your responsibility


mother-in-law (n)

mẹ chồng; mẹ vợ

the mother of your husband or wife


pregnancy (n)

sự mang thai

the state of being pregnant


spend (v)

dành (thời gian)

to use time doing something or being somewhere


be over to (phrase)
/bi:ˈoʊ.vɚ tə/

đang làm gì

be in a particular situation

be over to

occasional (a)

thỉnh thoảng

not happening or done often or regularly


picky (a)

cầu kỳ, kĩ lưỡng

be careful about choosing only what they like

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