fall in love (phrase)
/fɔːl ɪn lʌv/

to start to love someone

fall in love

boyfriend (n)

a man or boy who a person is having a romantic or sexual relationship with


girlfriend (n)

a woman or girl who a person is having a romantic or sexual relationship with


relationship (n)

a close romantic friendship between two people, often a sexual one


go out (phrasal verb)
/ɡoʊ ɑʊt/

leave the house to go somewhere

go out

kiss (v)

to touch with your lips


fancy (v)

to imagine or think that something is so


interested in (adj phr)
/ˈɪn.trɪs.tɪd ɪn/

showing curiosity or concern about something or someone

interested in

crazy about (phrase)
/ˈkreɪ·zi əˈbɑʊt/

to like someone or something very much

crazy about

flirt with (phrasal verb)
/flɜrt wɪð/

to behave towards somebody as if you find them sexually attractive

flirt with

adore (v)

love intensely


hold hands (phrasal verb)
/həʊld hændˈz/ 

to put your hand around someone else's hand

hold hands

believe (v)

to feel certain that something is true or that somebody is telling you the truth


split up (phrasal verb)

become separated

split up

finish with (phrasal verb)
/ˈfɪn.ɪʃ wɪð/

to stop having a romantic relationship with someone

finish with

deny (v)

to refuse to admit or accept something


fight (v)

to struggle physically with somebody


madly (r)

(used as intensives) extremely


invite (v)

to ask or request someone to go to an event


dinner (n)

the main meal of the day, usually the meal you eat in the evening

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