enthuse (v)

gây hứng thú

to make someone feel very interested and excited


motel (n)

khách sạn nghỉ đường, nhà nghỉ

a hotel by the side of a road, usually for people who are travelling by car


slide right through (phrase)
/slaɪd raɪt θru/

đi qua dễ dàng

to go through easily

slide right through

more fun than a barrel of monkeys (idiom)
/mɔr fʌn ðæn ə ˈbærəl əv ˈmʌŋkiz/

cực kỳ thú vị

a lot of fun, to be very funny or enjoyable

more fun than a barrel of monkeys

bypass (v)

bỏ qua

to ignore a rule, an official system, or someone in authority, especially in order to get something done quickly


check on (phrasal verb)
/tʃɛk ɔn/

đảm bảo là không có gì xấu xảy ra

to make sure that there is nothing wrong with someone or something

check on

sell to minors (phrase)
/sɛl tu ˈmaɪnər/

bán rượu cho giới trẻ

sell alcohol to young people

sell to minors

pick (v)

chọn, chọn lựa

to choose somebody/something from a group of people or things


overlook (v)

ngó lơ

to see something wrong or bad but decide to ignore it


museum (n)

bảo tàng

a building where objects of historical, scientific, or artistic interest are kept


sculpture (n)

tác phẩm điêu khắc

a solid object that someone makes as a work of art by shaping a substance such as stone, metal, or wood


incline (n)

dốc, độ nghiêng

a slope


draw straws (n)
/drɔ strɔz/

bốc thăm

a way to decide something

draw straws

aquarium (n)

nhà thủy tạ, thủy cung

a building where people can go to see fish and other water creatures


straight up (adjphrase)
/streɪt ʌp/

hướng thẳng lên

not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight line up

straight up
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