pessimistic (adj)
bi quan
thinking that the worst thing will happen in every situation

optimistic (adj)
lạc quan
hopeful about the future and tends to expect thatgood things will happen

terrorist (n)
quân khủng bố
someone who uses violence in order to achieve political aims

labour-saving (adj)
tiết kiệm sức lao động
describes a device or method that saves a lot of effort and time

micro-technology (n)
/ˈmaɪ.krəʊ tekˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/
công nghệ vi mô
technology that uses microelectronics

telecommunications (n)
viễn thông
the science and technology of sending information by telephone, radio, ortelevision

contribute to (phrase)
/kənˈtrɪb.juːt tʊ/
đóng góp vào
to give money, goods, or your time and effort in order to achieve something

eradicated (adj)
bị tiêu hủy, thủ tiêu
to get rid of something completely, especially something bad

space-shuttle (n)
tàu con thoi
a vehicle that travels into space and back to Earth and lands like a plane

depression (n)
tình trạng suy thoái
a period of time when there is a lot of unemployment and poverty because there is verylittle economic activity

domestic chore (phrase)
/dəˈmes.tɪk tʃɔːr/
công việc vặt trong nhà
works in your home that is done regularly

life expectancy (n)
tuổi thọ trung bình
the length of time that someone is likely to live

curable (adj)
có thể chữa được
be able to stop someone from being affected by an illness

fatal disease (n)
/ˈfeɪ.təl dɪˈziːz/
bệnh chết người
very serious negative illness caused by infection

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