like a kid in the candy store (idiom)
/laɪk ə kɪd ɪn ðə ˈkændi stɔr/

to be very excited about something

like a kid in the candy store

run into a lot of temptation (idiom)
/rʌn ɪntu ə lɑt əv tɛmpˈteɪʃn/

to have a lot of things that you would want to do

run into a lot of temptation

strip (n)

a street that has many shops, stores, restaurants, etc. along it


distance (n)

the amount of space between two places or things


campus (n)

the buildings of a university, college, hospital, or large business, and the land around them


caught up in the moment (phrase)
/kɔːt ʌp ɪn ðə ˈmoʊmənt/

to become completely involved in something

caught up in the moment

hit the ATM (phrase)
/hɪt ði ˌeɪ ti ˈɛm/

to take out money from the bank

hit the ATM

win back (phrasal verb)
/wɪn bæk/

to get or have again something or someone that you had before

win back

throw one's live away (idiom)
/θroʊ wʌnz laɪf əˈweɪ/

to destroy or ruin oneself life

throw one\'s live away

the kind of money (noun phrase)
/ðə kaɪnd əv ˈmʌni/

a lot of money

the kind of money

I got you (phrase)
/aɪ ɡɑːt ju/

to mean 'I understand'

I got you

lose one's cool (phrase)
/luz wʌnz kul/

to get angry or upset

lose one\'s cool
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