the World cup (n)
/ðə wɜrːld kʌp/

a football competition held every four years between teams from many countries in order to decide which is the best team

the World cup

SEA Games (n)
/siː ɡeɪms/

the Southeast Asian Games, is a biennial multi-sport event involving participants from the current 11 countries of Southeast Asia

SEA Games

opening (n)

a ceremony at the beginning of an event or activity


Grand Slam (n)
/ɡrænd slæm/

one of the important competitions held in a sport such as tennis, rugby or golf during one year

Grand Slam

Asian Games (n)
/ˈeɪ.ʒən ɡeɪmz/

a continental multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia

Asian Games

The International Basketball Federation (n)
/ðə ˌɪnt̬ɚˈnæʃənəl ˈbæs.kɪt.bɑːl fedəˈreɪʃən/

an association of national organizations which governs international competition in basketball (FIBA)

The International Basketball Federation

Union of European Football Associations (n)
/ˈjun·jən ɑvˌjʊr.əpi·ən ˈfʊtˌbɑːl əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃənz/

the administrative body for association football in Europe and, partially, Asia (UEFA)

Union of European Football Associations

International Boxing Federation (n)
/ˌɪnt̬ɚˈnæʃənəl ˈbɑːksɪŋ fedəˈreɪʃən/

it is one of four major organizations recognized by the IBHOF which sanction world championship boxing bouts (IBF)

International Boxing Federation

National Basketball Association (n)
/ˈnæʃ.nəl ˈbæs.kɪt.bɑːl əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃən/

the pre-eminent men's professional basketball league in North America, and is widely considered to be the premier men's professional basketball league in the world (NBA)

National Basketball Association

World Chess Federation (n)
/wɝːld tʃes fedəˈreɪʃən/

an international organization connecting the various national chess federations around the world and acts as the governing body of international chess competition (FIDE)

World Chess Federation

The Asian Football Confederation (n)
/ðə ˈeɪ·ʒən ˈfʊt.bɑːl kənˌfedəˈreɪʃən/

the national organization for football in Asia (AFC)

The Asian Football Confederation

International Association of Athletics Federations (n)
/ɪnt̬ɚˈnæʃənəl əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃən ɑv æθˈlet̬ɪks fedəˈreɪʃəns/

the international governing body for the sport of athletics (IAAF)

International Association of Athletics Federations

The Olympic Games (n)
/ðə oʊˈlɪm.pɪks ɡeɪmz/ 

a set of international sports competitions that happen once every four years

The Olympic Games

The Paralymic Games (n)
/ˌper.əˈlɪm.pɪks ɡeɪmz/

an international sports competition for people with physical disabilities, which happens every four years immediately after the Olympics

The Paralymic Games

The Champions League (n)
/ðə ˈtʃæm.pi.ən liːɡ/

a football competion held each year between the best teams from each country in Europe

The Champions League

The Premier League (n)
/prɪˈmɪr liːɡ/

the top football league in England since 1992, consisting of 20 teams from England and Wales

The Premier League

International Marathon (n)
 /ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈnæʃ.ən.əl ˈmær.ə.θɑːn/

it is an international long-distance running event in which the running race is about 42.195 kilometres

International Marathon

The Winter Olympics Games (n)
 /ðə ˈwɪn.t̬ɚ əˈlɪm.pɪks ɡeɪms/ 

a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years with the feature sports practiced on snow and ice

The Winter Olympics Games

The International Volleyball Federation (n)
/ðə ɪnt̬ɚˈnæʃənəlˈvɑː.li.bɑːlˌfedəˈreɪʃən/

the international governing body for the sport of indoor, beach and grass volleyball (FIVB)

The International Volleyball Federation

International Federation of Association Football (n)
/ˌɪnt̬ɚˈnæʃənəl fedəˈreɪʃən ɑv əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃən ˈfʊt.bɑːl/

the organization that controls international football and organizes the World Cup (FIFA)

International Federation of Association Football
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