desk (n)

a table that you sit at to write or work, often with drawers in it


photocopier (n)

a machine that makes copies of documents, etc. by photographing them


rubber (n)

a strong substance that can be stretched and does not allow liquids to pass through it


stapler (n)

a small device used for putting staples into paper, etc.


sellotape (n)

a long thin strip of sticky used for joining together things such as paper or card


paper clip (n)
/ˈpeɪ·pər ˌklɪp/

a piece of bent wire or plastic that is designed to hold loose sheets of paper together

paper clip

hole punch (n)
/hoʊl pʌntʃ/

a small tool for making holes in pieces of paper so that they can be fastened together

hole punch

sticky note (n)
/ˈstɪk·i noʊt/

a small piece of paper that is sticky on one side and that you can write notes

sticky note

pencil sharpener (n)
/ˈpensəl ˌʃɑrpənər/

an electric, mechanical, or small hand-held device for making a sharp point on pencils

pencil sharpener

e-mail (n)

a way of sending messages and data to other people by means of computers connected together in a network


resolve (v)

to solve or end a problem or difficulty


confirm (v)

to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by phone or writing


head office (n)
/hɛd ˈɔfəs/

the main office of an organization or company

head office

document (n)

an official paper or book that gives information about something, or that can be used as evidence or proof of something


paper (n)

the thin material that you write and draw on and that is also used for wrapping and packing things


office (n)

a room or building where the people in an organization or department work


sort out (phrasal verb)
/sɔrt̮ aʊt/

to organize something successfully

sort out

in-tray (n)
/ɪn treɪ/

a container where letters and other documents are put when they arrive in a person's office


remind (v)

to cause to remember


look out (phrasal verb)
/lʊk aʊt/

to watch what is happening and be careful

look out
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