admit (v)

to allow someone or something to enter


statement (n)

an accounting showing an amount due


result (n)

something that happens or exists because of something else


procedure (n)

a series of steps taken to accomplish an end


pertinent (a)

having relevance to the matter at hand


permit (v)

to allow someone to do something or to allow something to happen


mission (n)

particular work that you feel it is your duty to do


identify (v)

to ascertain the name or belongings of


escort (n)

a person accompanying another to guide or protect


designate (v)

to state that something has a particular character or purpose


authorize (v)

to give official permission for something to happen, or to give someone official permission to do something


usually (r)

in the way that is usual or normal; most often


make appointment (phrase)
/meɪk əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/

do a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at aparticular time and place

make appointment

organization (n)

a group of people who work together in an organized way for a shared purpose


private health insurance (noun phrase)
/ˈpraɪ.vət helθ ɪnˈʃɔː.rəns/

an agreement in which a person pay a company money and they pay your costs if he/she has healthy prolems

private health insurance

emergency room (n)
/ɪˈmɜː.dʒə ruːm/

a medical treatment facility specializing in acute care of patients who present without prior appointment

emergency room

medical chart (noun phrase)
/ˈmed.ɪ.kəl tʃɑːt/

documentation of a single patient's medical history and care across time within one particular health care provider's jurisdiction

medical chart

hospital bed (noun phrase)
/ˈhɑː.spɪ.t̬əl bed/

beds for patients

hospital bed

waiting room (n)
/weɪtɪŋ ruːm/

a room in hospital where people can sit and rest while waiting

waiting room

paramedic (n)

a person whose job is to help people who are sick or injured, but who is not a doctor or a nurse

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