anaesthetic (n)

thuốc gây mê

a drug that makes a person or animal unable to feel anything, especially pain


attack (n)

cơn bệnh

a sudden, short period of illness, usually severe, especially an illness that you have often


deteriorate (v)

chuyển biến xấu đi

to become worse


treat (v)

điều trị

to use medicine or medical methods to cure a patient or an illness


X-ray (n)
/ˈɛks reɪ/

tia X

a type of radiation that can pass through objects that are not transparent and make it possible to see inside them


stretcher (n)

cái cáng

a long piece of strong cloth with a pole on each side, used for carrying someone who is sick or injured and who cannot walk


paramedic (n)

nhân viên y tế

a person whose job is to help people who are sick or injured, but who is not a doctor or a nurse


crutch (n)

cái nạng

one of two long sticks that you put under your arms to help you walk after you have injured your leg or foot


coma (n)

tình trạng hôn mê

a deep unconscious state, usually lasting a long time and caused by serious illness or injury


injure (v)

làm đau, gây chấn thương

to hurt someone and cause damage to their body


overnight (r)

qua đêm

during or for the night


suffer (v)

chịu, bị; trải qua

to experience physical or mental pain


bacteria (n)

vi khuẩn

the simplest and smallest forms of life; are often a cause of disease


rush (v)

vội vàng

to move or to do something with great speed, often too fast


plaster (n)

thạch cao

a white powder that is mixed with water and becomes very hard when it dries, used especially for making copies of statues or holding broken bones in place


common cold (n)
/ˈkɑmən koʊld/

cảm lạnh thông thường

a common illness that affects the nose and throat, making you cough

common cold

recovery (n)

phục hồi

the process of becoming well again after an illness or injury


condition (n)

điều kiện, tình trạng

the state that something is in


wheelchair (n)

xe lăn

a special chair with wheels, used by people who cannot walk because of illness, an accident, etc.


larva (n)

ấu trùng

an insect at the stage when it has just come out of an egg and looks like a short fat worm

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