biologist (n)

a scientist who studies living things


caring (a)

kind, helpful, and sympathetic towards other people


close-knit (a)

a group of people in which everyone helps and supports each other


household chore (phrase)
/ˈhaʊs.həʊld tʃɔːr/

routine task in home

household chore

join hands (phrase)
/dʒɔɪn hændz/

to work together with another in order to help and support each other

join hands

leftovers (n)

the food that remains at the end of a meal after you have finished eating


secure (a)

safe from attack, harm, or damage


shift (n)

a period of work time in a factory, hospital, or other place where some people work during the day and some work at night


supportive (a)

helpful and sympathetic


willing (a)

not opposed to doing something; ready or eager to do something


project (n)

a planned piece of work that has a particular aim, especially one that is organized by a government, company, or other organization


take the responsibility (phrase)
/teɪk ðə rɪˌspɒn.sɪˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ 

be in charge of someone or something

take the responsibility

rush to (phrase)
/rʌʃ tʊ/

go or do something very quickly

rush to

give a hand (phrase)
/ɡɪv ə hænd/

to help someone do something

give a hand

win a place at university (phrase)
/wɪn ə pleɪs æt juː.nɪˈvɜː.sɪ.ti/

pass the university entrance exam

win a place at university

mischievous (a)

enjoying having fun by causing trouble


obedient (a)

doing what a person, law, or rule says that you must do


confidence (n)

the belief that you are able to do things well


take out the garbage (phrase)
/teɪk aʊt ðəˈɡɑː.bɪdʒ/ 

remove things that are no longer useful

take out the garbage

make a decision (phrase)
/meɪkə dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/

choose a choice after thinking carefully

make a decision
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