on a whim (idiom)
/ɔn ə wɪm/

Không cần suy nghĩ nhiều, suy nghĩ thoáng qua

to do something without a lot of thought

on a whim

hitchhike (v)

đi nhờ xe, đi quá giang

to travel by asking for free rides in other people's cars, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop


take off (phrasal verb)

rời khỏi, phóng vút đi

to leave a place suddenly

take off

anonymous (adj)

vô danh

with a name that is not known or that is not made public


be totally broke (phrase)
/bi ˈtoʊt̮li broʊk/

cháy túi, không có tiền

to be in situation that you had no money

be totally broke

hook up (phrasal verb)
/hʊk ʌp/

gặp gỡ

to meet someone and spend time with them

hook up

not into doing that (idiom)
/nɑt ɪntu ˈduɪŋ ðæt/

không muốn làm điều đó

do not want to do that

not into doing that

end up (phrasal verb)
/ɛnd ʌp/

đến nơi cuối cùng

to go to a place last

end up

sick of (adjphrase)
/sɪk əv/

không còn hứng thú

no longer interested in something

sick of

get out of here (idiom)
/ɡɛt aʊt əv hɪr/

nghiêm túc đấy chứ

to mean 'Are you serious?'

get out of here

chick (n)

người con gái

a way of referring to a young woman


live large (phrase)
/lɪv lɑrdʒ/

sống tốt, sống được

to do or live very well

live large

look someone up (phrasal verb)
/lʊk ˈsʌmwʌn ʌp/

liên lạc với ai đó

to visit or make contact with someone, especially when you have not seen them for a long time

look someone up

a big deal (idiom)
/ə bɪɡ dil/

điều quan trọng

something that is important

a big deal

go out with (idiom)
/ˈɡoʊɪŋ aʊt wɪθ/

hẹn hò với

to date with

go out with
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