luxury (adj)
niềm vui sướng, điều xa xỉ
a pleasure or an advantage that you do not often have

fortunate (adj)
may mắn, có phúc, tốt số
lucky, especially because you have more advantages than other people

generations before us (phrase)
/ˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃnz bɪˈfɔr əs/
những thế hệ đi trước
people in your family that are older than you

reminisce (v)
hồi tưởng, nhớ lại
to talk, think, or write about enjoyable experiences in your past

beg (v)
xin, cầu xin
to ask for help, an opportunity etc in a way that shows you want it very much

baseball (n)
bóng chày
a game played by two teams of nine players who get points by hitting a ball with a bat and then running around four bases

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