out and about (phrase)
/aʊt ənd əˈbaʊt/

đi loanh quanh

traveling around a place

out and about

secondhand store (noun phrase)
/ˌsɛkəndˈhænd stɔr/

cửa hàng bán đồ cũ

store where used clothing is sold

secondhand store

under the weather (idiom)
/ˈʌndər ðə ˈwɛðər/

hơi mệt, người không được khỏe

somewhat ill or gloomy

under the weather

alright (adj)


safe, well, or not harmed


have a cold (phrase)
/həv ə koʊld/

bị cảm

to have a common illness that affects the nose and/or throat, making you cough, sneeze, etc.

have a cold

something going around (idiom)
/ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈɡoʊɪŋ əˈraʊnd/

người quen nào đó đang bị bệnh

people you know are sick

something going around

catch it (phrase)
/kætʃ ɪt/

bị đau, bị ốm

to get sick

catch it

transported (v)

được đưa đi đâu

to be taken


a stone's throw away (idiom)
/ə stoʊnz θroʊ əˈweɪ/

một khoảng cách rất ngắn

a very short distance away

a stone\'s throw away

awesome (adj)

rất tuyệt vời

very good, enjoyable, etc.


escape (v)

thoát khỏi, trốn thoát

to get away from a place where you are in danger


discipline (n)

sự quản lý, hình thức xử phạt

the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not


a little bit (phrase)
/ə ˈlɪtl bɪt/

một chút xíu

used with uncountable nouns to mean ‘a small amount’, ‘some’

a little bit

shower you with attention (idiom)
/ˈʃaʊər ju wɪθ əˈtɛnʃn/

dành nhiều sự chú ý cho bạn

give you a lot of attention

shower you with attention

sweet (n)

đồ ngọt, mứt, kẹo

candy or other sweet foods

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