acquaintance (n)

người quen

a person that you have met but do not know well


apartment (n)

căn hộ (khép kín)

a set of rooms for living in, especially on one floor of a building


brighten up (phrase)
/ˈbraɪ.tən ʌp/

làm rạng rỡ, làm bừng sáng

to (cause to) become lighter

brighten up

constancy (n)

sự kiên định

the quality of staying the same, not getting less or more


enthusiasm (n)

lòng nhiệt tình

a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it


give-and-take (n)
/ɡɪv ænd teɪk/

sự nhường nhịn

willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own


loyalty (n)

lòng trung thành

the quality of being loyal to someone or something


residential area (n)
/ˌrez.ɪˈden.ʃəl ˈeə.ri.ə/

khu dân cư

a area has only private houses, not offices and factories

residential area

two-sided (a)
 /tuː saɪdid/

hai mặt, hai phía

having two sides or aspects


unselfishness (n)

tính không ích kỷ

the character of thinking about what is good for other people, not just about your own advantage


affair (n)

chuyện, vấn đề

a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered


concerned (a)

lo lắng, lo ngại,bận tâm

worried, troubled, or anxious


pursuit (n)

sự theo đuổi, mưu cầu

the process of trying to achieve something


qualify (v)

đủ phẩm chất, đủ tiêu chuẩn, tư cách

to have the right qualities or be in the right situation to be considered as something or to receive or do something


insist on (phrasal verb)
/ɪnˈsɪst ɔn/

khăng khăng

to keep doing something, even if it annoys other people, or people think it is not good for you

insist on

sympathetic (a)

cảm thông

kind to someone who has a problem and willing to understand how they feel


gossip (n)

tin đồn

conversation or reports about other people's private lives that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true


trust (n)

lòng tin, sự tin tưởng

firm belief in the reliability or ability of someone or something


jump (v)


push oneself off a surface and into the air by using the muscles in one’s legs and feet


promise (v)


a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen

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