meet up (phrasal verb)
/miːt̬ ʌp/

gặp gỡ

to meet another person in order to do something together

meet up

go around (phrasal verb)

loanh quanh, thăm hỏi

to travel to all, or the main, parts of a place that you are visiting in order to find out what it is like or to learn about it

go around

come along (phrasal verb)

tới, có mặt

to arrive or appear at a place

come along

get together (phrasal verb)
/ɡet təˈɡeð.ər/

tụ tập, đoàn tụ

to meet in order to do something or to spend time together

get together

cinema (n)

rạp chiếu phim, điện ảnh

a building where you pay to go and watch a film


theatre (n)

rạp hát, nhà hát

a building, room, or outside area used for performing plays


nightclub (n)

hộp đêm

a place that is open late into the night, where people can go to drink and dance and often see some type of entertainment


concert (n)

buổi hoà nhạc

a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers


indoor (a)

trong nhà

happening, used, or existing inside a building


fun (n)

sự vui vẻ, điều tuyệt vời

pleasure, enjoyment, amusement, or someone or something that causes this


park (n)

công viên

an area of public land in a town or a city where people go to walk, play and relax


beach (n)

bãi biển

an area of sand or small stones beside the sea or a lake


zoo (n)

sở thú

an area in which animals, especially wild animals, are kept so that people can go and look at them or study them


drive (v)
/draɪv /

lái xe ( ô tô)

to control a vehicle so that it moves somewhere


active (a)

năng động

doing a lot of different activities and has a lot of energy and interests


exciting (a)

hứng thú, kích động

making you feel excited


quiet (a)

yên tĩnh

making very little noise


stay (v)

ở lại

to continue to be in a particular place for a period of time without moving away


finish (v)

hoàn tất, hoàn thành

to do the last part of something so that it is complete


get up (phrasal verb)

thức dậy

to get out of bed

get up
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