decline (n)
a change to a lower amount; the process of becoming less in quality or strength
inflation (n)
an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable
subsidy (n)
money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen
unsettled (a)
(of an argument, etc.) that continues without any agreement being reached
conservative (n)
a person with conservative political views who supports tradition and is often opposed to change
incursion (n)
a sudden attack on or act of going into a place, especially across a border
infrastructure (n)
the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively
economics (n)
the way in which trade, industry, or money is organized, or the study of this
eagerness (n)
great interest and excitement about something that is going to happen or about something that you want to do
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