action film (phrase)
/ˈækʃ(ə)n fɪlm/
phim hành động
a film genre in which one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges including physical feats, extended fight scenes, violence, and frantic chases

audience (n)
khán giả, cử tọa
a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech etc

cartoon film (phrase)
/kɑː(r)ˈtuːn fɪlm/
phim hoạt hình
a film is made using sequential drawings, as opposed to animations in general

detective film (phrase)
phim trinh thám
a film that focuses on a detective-hero’s investigation into the mystery surrounding a crime

horror film (n)
/ˈhɒrər fɪlm/
phim kinh dị
a film that is intended to frighten people, especially one about murders, frightening creatures, or evil people

liner (n)
tàu thủy
a large passenger ship, especially one used for cruises or long-distance travel

love story film (phrase)
/lʌv ˈstɔːrifɪlm/
phim tâm lý tình cảm
a film which the meaning is about love

science fiction film (phrase)
/ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃ(ə)nfɪlm/
phim khoa học viễn tưởng
films about imaginary future events and characters, often dealing with space travel and life on other planets

astronomy (n)
thiên văn học
the scientific study of the stars, planets, and other objects in the universe

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