hope (v)

hy vọng

to express the feeling or wish that something desired will happen


one-parent family (n)

gia đình một phụ huynh

a family that includes either a mother or a father but not both

one-parent family

sister-in-law (n)

chị dâu, em dâu

your brother's wife


mother-in-law (n)

mẹ chồng; mẹ vợ

the mother of your husband or wife


family tree (n)
/ˈfæm·li ˈtri/

cây gia hệ

a drawing that shows all the members of a family, usually over a long period of time, and how they are related to each other

family tree

anniversary (n)

ngày lễ kỷ niệm

the day on which an important event happened in a previous year


children (n)

đứa con

someone's son or daughter of any age


find (v)

tìm kiếm

to get back something/somebody that was lost after searching for it/them


trouble (n)

rắc rối

difficulties or problems


whole (a)

cả, nguyên

complete or not divided


nuclear family (n)
/ˈnu·kli·ər ˈfæm·li/

gia đình hạt nhân (chỉ có cha mẹ và con)

a social unit of two parents and their children

nuclear family

marry (v)

kết hôn

to become the legally accepted husband or wife of someone in an official


relative (n)

họ hàng

a member of your family


research (n)

sự nghiên cứu

a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it


adopt (v)

nhận làm con nuôi

to take another person’s child legally into your own family to raise as your own child


family (n)

gia đình

a social group of parents, children, and sometimes grandparents, uncles, aunts, and others who are related


extended family (n)
/ɪkˈsten.dɪd ˈfæm·li/

đại gia đình

a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children

extended family

father-in-law (n)

bố chồng; bố vợ

the father of your husband or wife


take care of (phrase)

chăm sóc, săn sóc

to do the necessary things for someone who needs help or protection

take care of

parent (n)

cha; mẹ

a mother or father

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