without question (prepphrase)
/wɪˈðaʊt ˈkwes.tʃən/

không có gì phải bàn cãi

used for saying that something is definitely true

without question

prehistoric (adj)

(thuộc) thời tiền sử

relating to the period of time before history was first written down


lifelike (adj)

giống như thật

a lifelike picture, model etc looks like a real person or thing


ruined (adj)

bị hư hỏng nặng

badly damaged


handheld (adj)

cầm tay

something that has been designed so that it can be held and used easily with one or two hands


volume (n)

khối lượng

an amount of something


displace (v)

chiếm chỗ

to take the place of someone or something


death toll (n)
/deθ toʊl/

số người chết

the number of people who are killed on a particular occasion

death toll

upthrust (n)

sự nâng lên, trồi lên

the force with which a liquid or gas pushes up against an object that is floating in it


resemble (v)

giống với

to be similar to someone or something


thoughtless (adj)

không suy nghĩ, vô tư

not thinking about what other people want or need


be laid off (phrase)
/biː leɪd ɑːf/

bị sa thải

to be forced to end employment

be laid off

bring down (phrasal verb)
/brɪŋ daʊn/

lật đổ, hạ bệ

to cause a government or politician to lose power

bring down

meet the requirement (phrase)
/miːt ðə rɪˈkwaɪr.mənt/

đáp ứng được yêu cầu của ai đó

to satisfy someone's needs

meet the requirement

a 24/7 society (phrase)
/ə ˌtwen.ti.fɔːr ˈsev.ən səˈsaɪ.ə.ti/

một xã hội hoạt động liên tục 24/7

a society working all the time

a 24/7 society

irritable (adj)

cáu kỉnh

becoming annoyed very easily


speed up (phrasal verb)

tăng tốc

to move or happen faster

speed up

generous (adj)

hào phóng, rộng rãi

giving or willing to give freely; given freely


fortunate (adj)

may mắn, có phúc, tốt số

lucky, especially because you have more advantages than other people


optimistic (adj)

lạc quan, yêu đời

hoping or believing that good things will happen in the future

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