vary (v)

thay đổi, biến đổi

to change something


goof off (phrasal verb)
 /ɡuːf ɒf/ 

giết thời gian, thì giờ

to waste time when you should be working

goof off

cereal (n)

ngũ cốc

a food made from grain


make room for (phrasal verb)
/meɪk rʊm fɔːr/

có chỗ trống cho

to move or move other things, so that there is space for someone

make room for

stretch (v)

trải dài

to reach across a distance or become longer or wider, or to cause something to do this


bring about (phrasal verb)
/brɪŋ əˈbaʊt/ 

dẫn đến, mang đến

to make something happen, especially to cause changes in a situation

bring about

go into detail (phrasal verb)
/ɡoʊ ˈɪn.tuː dɪˈteɪl/

đi vào chi tiết

to tell or include all the facts about something

go into detail

debate (n)

cuộc thảo luận, tranh luận

an argument or discussion expressing different opinions


off-duty (adj)

không làm việc, xuống ca

not working


skyrocket (v)

tăng nhanh chóng

to rise quickly to a very high level


undermine (v)

làm suy yếu

to make less effective


inconceivable (adj)

không thể tưởng tượng được

impossible to imagine or believe


predictable (adj)

có thể dự đoán, dễ đoán

if something is predictable, it happens in the way that you would expect


pave the way for (phrase)
 /peɪv ðə weɪ fɔːr/

mở đường cho

to make it possible or easier for something or someone to follow

pave the way for

cashless (adj)

không sử dụng tiền mặt

using or operating with credit and debit cards and electronic systems, not money in the form of coins or notes


threat (n)

sự đe dọa, mối nguy hiểm

a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed


allocate (v)

phân bổ

to give something officially to someone or something for a particular purpose


keep seller on toes (phrase)
 /kiːpˈsel.ɚ ɑːn toʊs/

làm cho người bán hàng đáp ứng với bất kì thay đổi

to make sellers responsive to any changes

keep seller on toes

watch out (phrasal verb)
/wɑːtʃ aʊt/ 

hãy cẩn thận, coi chừng

used to warn somebody about something dangerous

watch out

bar (n)

quán bar, quán rượu

a place where you go to buy and drink alcoholic drinks

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