of poor quality (phrase)
/ɒv pʊr ˈkwɑː.lə.t̬i/ 

có chất lượng kém

bad standard

of poor quality

make ends meet (phrase)
/meɪk endz miːt/

kiếm tiền vừa đủ sống

to have just enough money to buy the things that you need

make ends meet

reserved (adj)

rụt rè, dè dặt

tending not to talk about or show feelings


retrieve (v)

phục hồi

to make a bad situation better


entitle (v)

cho quyền (làm gì...)

to give someone the right to do or have something


link to (phrasal verb)
/lɪŋk tə/

liên kết, kết nối

connect to

link to

herd (n)

bầy, đàn

a large group of animals of the same type that live and move about together


repeated (adj)

lặp đi lặp lại

happening again and again


fauna (n)

hệ động vật

all the animals of a particular area or period of time


come down with (phrasal verb)
/kʌm daʊn wɪð/

mắc (phải) bệnh

to become ill with a particular disease

come down with

commercial (n)

quảng cáo

an advertisement on the radio or on television


put someone up (phrasal verb)
/pʊt ˈsʌm.wʌn ʌp/

cho ai ở nhờ tạm thời

to provide someone with a place to stay temporarily

put someone up

eye contact (n)
 /aɪ 'kɑːn.tækt/

sự giao tiếp bằng mắt

a situation in which two people look at each other's eyes

eye contact

take up (phrasal verb)

bắt đầu một việc gì

to start doing something regularly as a habit, job, or interest

take up

affluent (adj)

giàu có, thịnh vượng

having a lot of money or possessions; rich


give way (phrase)
/ɡɪv weɪ/

nhường đường

to allow another vehicle to go before you when you are driving

give way

flora (n)

hệ thực vật

all the plants of a particular area or period of time


department (n)

phòng ban

a part of an organization such as a school , business


innocent (adj)

vô tội

not guilty of a crime


straight away (adv)
/streɪt əˈweɪ/

ngay lập tức


straight away
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