come in for (phrasal verb)
/kʌm ɪn fɔːr/

to receive something such as criticism

come in for

resort to (phrasal verb)
 /rɪˈzɔːrt tu/

to do something extreme or unpleasant in order to solve a problem

resort to

turn up (phrasal verb)


turn up

drop out (phrasal verb)
/drɒp aʊt/

to leave school before you have finished what you intended to do

drop out

amazed at (adjphrase)
/əˈmeɪzd æt/

very surprised

amazed at

striking contrast (phrase)
 /ˈstraɪ.kɪŋ ˈkɑːn.træst/

significant different

striking contrast

masterpiece (n)

an exellent work of art


advocate (v)

publicly support


at somebody's convenience (phrase)
/ætˈsʌm.bɑː.diz kənˈviː.ni.əns/

at an appropriate time and place

at somebody\'s convenience

obsolete (adj)

out of date


disastrous (adj)

extremely bad or unsuccessful


promote (v)

to support or encourage something


cope (v)

to deal successfully with a difficult situation or job


address problem (phrase)
 /ˈæd.res ˈprɑː.bləm/

deal with

address problem

open up (phrasal verb)
 /ˈoʊ.pən ʌp/

to develop or start something

open up

make a start (phrase)
/meɪk ə stɑːrt/

to begin doing something

make a start

the key to something (phrase)
/ðə kiː tə ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/

the best or only way to achieve something

the key to something

outlast (v)

to last longer, or to continue to be successful for longer, than someone orsomething else


cumulative (adj)

developing or increasing gradually as a result of more and more additions


leader (n)

a person who leads a group of people, especially the head of a country, an organization, etc.

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