bamboo (n)

cây tre

a tall tropical plant with thick light-brown stems that are used for making things such as furniture and fences


bared teeth (n)
/beəd tiːθ/ 

răng hở

show one's teeth

bared teeth

be driven to the verge of (phrase)
 /biːˈdrɪv.ən tʊ ðə vɜːdʒ əv/

bị đẩy đến bên bờ của

be forced to the edge or border of something

be driven to the verge of

deforestation (n)

sự phá rừng

the process of removing the trees from an area of land


derive (from) (v)
/dɪˈraɪv frɒm/

bắt nguồn từ

to have something as an origin

derive (from)

enact (v)

ban hành

to make a proposal into a law


gorilla (n)

khỉ đột

a large strong African wild animal that is similar to a monkey but much larger and lives in forests


habitat (n)

môi trường sống

the type of place that a particular animal usually lives in or a particular plant usually grows in


leopard (n)

con báo

a large wild animal from Africa and Southern Asia that has golden fur with blackspots


panda (n)

gấu trúc

a large Chinese wild animal with black and white fur


parrot (n)

con vẹt

a brightly coloured tropical bird that is often kept as a pet and can be taught to say a few words


reserve (n)

khu bảo tồn

an area of land where wild animals or plants are officially protected


rhinoceros (n)

con tê giác

a large animal with very thick grey skin and one or two horns on its nose


sociable (adj)

dễ gần gũi, hòa đồng



urbanization (n)

sự đô thị hóa

the process by which towns and cities grow bigger and more and more people goto live in them


vulnerable (adj)

dễ bị tổn thương

weak, easy to hurt or attack


wildlife (n)

động vật hoang dã

animals, birds, and plants that live in natural conditions


worm (n)

sâu, giun

a creature with a long soft body and no bones or legs


extinction (n)

sự tuyệt chủng, sự biến mất

a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing


government (n)

chính phủ

the group of people who officially control a country

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