CV (n)
/ˌsi ˈvi/

hồ sơ

a summary of your academic and work history


according to (prep)
/əˈkɔrdɪŋ tu/

dựa theo

as stated or reported by someone or something

according to

position (n)

vị trí, công việc

a job in a company


go into (phrasal verb)
/ɡoʊ ˈɪntu/

theo, đi theo (ngành nghề)

to come or follow

go into

qualification (n)

phẩm chất, tư cách, khả năng

an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity


fill in (phrasal verb)
/fɪl ɪn/

điền vào

to fill something completely

fill in

apply for (phrasal verb)
/əˈplaɪ fɚ/

xin việc

to make an official request for a job

apply for

send off (phrasal verb)

gửi đi

to transfer something such as a piece of paper

send off

essential (a)

thiết yếu

extremely important or necessary


application (n)

đơn xin việc

a formal (often written) request for something, such as a job


applicant (n)

người nộp đơn xin việc

a person who formally requests something, especially a job


depend on (phrasal verb)
/dɪˈpɛnd ɑn/

tùy theo

to be affected or decided by something

depend on

flexible (a)

linh động, linh hoạt

able to change or be changed easily according to the situation


full-time (a)

toàn thời gian

done for the whole of a working week


training (n)

sự đào tạo, huấn luyện

the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job


temporary (a)

tạm thời

lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time


offer (v)

đề nghị

to say that you are willing to do something for somebody or give something to somebody


experience (n)

kinh nghiệm

knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things


dismiss (v)

sa thải

to officially remove someone from their job


skill (n)

kỹ năng

abilities to do an activity or job well

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