busted (adj)

bị gặp rắc rối

caught in the act of doing something wrong and likely to be punished


license (n)

giấy phép

an official document that shows that permission has been given to do, own or use something


pull over (phrasal verb)
/pʊl ˈoʊvər/

tấp vào

order the vehicle's driver to stop at the side of the road

pull over

offense (n)

phạm tội, vi phạm

an illegal act; crime


wreck (adj)

say bét nhè

very drunk


thank goodness (phrase)
/θæŋk ˈɡʊdnəs/

ơn Chúa!

to be thankful for something

thank goodness

accident (n)

tai nạn

a crash involving a car, train, plane, or other vehicle


totaled (adj)

hư hỏng nặng

damaged so much that it cannot be driven


telephone pole (n)
/ˈtɛləˌfoʊn poʊl/

trụ điện thoại

a tall wooden pole used for carrying telephone wires high above the ground

telephone pole

hit something head-on (phrasal verb)
/hɪt ˈsʌmθɪŋ hɛd ɔn/

đâm trực diện, húc trực diện

hit something with the head or front first

hit something head-on

wrapping it around (phrase)
/ˈræpɪŋ ɪt əˈraʊnd/

bị tông mạnh vào

crashed into badly

wrapping it around

rear-end (adj)
/rɪr ənd/

tông vào đuôi xe, đâm vào đuôi xe

(of a vehicle or driver) to drive into the back of another vehicle


plow into (phrasal verb)
/plɑʊ ˈɪntu/

va chạm, đụng mạnh

to bump hard against, collide with

plow into

get injured (phrase)
/ɡɛt ˈɪndʒərd/

bị thương

to be physically hurt

get injured

run-in with the law (idiom)
/rʌn ɪn wɪθ ðə lɔ/

gặp rắc rối với cảnh sát

to get in trouble (with the police)

run-in with the law
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