uneasy (a)

lo lắng, băn khoăn

slightly worried or uncomfortable about a particular situation


ex-lover (noun phrase)
/eks ˈlʌv.ər/

người yêu cũ

the person that someone used to be married to or used to have a romantic relationship with


numerous affairs (phrase)
/ˈnuː.mə.rəs əˈfers/

nhiều chuyện, nhiều vấn đề rắc rối

many situation that is being dealt with or considered

numerous affairs

terrific (a)

tuyệt vời

very good


last (v)

kéo dài

to continue existing or happening for or until a particular time


break up (phrasal verb)
/breɪk ʌp/

chia tay

if a relationship breaks up, it ends

break up

engaged (a)

đã đính ước, đã hứa hôn

having formally agreed to marry


involved (a)

bị dính dáng, quan hệ

If someone is involved with someone else, they have a romantic relationship.


betray (v)

phản bội

to not be loyal to your country or a person


weird (a)

khác thường, kỳ khôi

very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural


bow to their pressure (phrase)
/baʊ tə ðer ˈpreʃ.ər/

chịu áp lực từ họ

to have to do what someone else wants you to do, usually unwillingly

bow to their pressure

budge (v)

lay chuyển

to move or cause someone or something to move


confront (v)

đương đầu

to face, meet, or deal with a difficult situation or person


double standard (phrase)
/ˈdʌb.l̩ ˈstæn.dəd/

nguyên tắc phân biệt đối xử

a rule of good behaviour that, unfairly, some people are expected to achieve but other people are not

double standard

worldly (a)

từng trải, thạo đời

practical and having a lot of experience of life


turn a blind eye to (phrase)
/tɝːn ə blaɪnd aɪ tə/

nhắm mắt làm ngơ, giả vờ không biết

to pretend you do not notice something

turn a blind eye to

people-pleaser (n)
/ˈpiː.pl̩ pliːzər/

người làm hài lòng mọi người

people who always try to adapt requests from everyone


bother (v)

làm phiền, quấy rầy

to annoy or cause problems for someone


date (v)

hẹn hò

to regularly spend time with someone you have a romantic relationship with


adult (n)

người trưởng thành, người lớn

a fully grown person who is responsible for their actions

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