recommendation (n)
lời khuyên
a suggestion or piece of advice about how to solve a problem, deal with a situation etc

manage (v)
xoay sở
to be able to solve your problems, deal with a difficult situation, etc.

instrument (n)
dụng cụ
a tool or device used for a particular task, especially for delicate or scientific work

prescription (n)
toa thuốc
a piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or drugs that someone needs

reflexology (n)
thuật bấm huyệt
a treatment in which your feet are rubbed and pressed in a special way in order to improve blood flow and help you relax

acupuncture (n)
thuật châm cứu
a treatment for pain or illness in which thin needles are positioned just under the surface of the skin at special points around the body

rheumatologist (n)
chuyên gia về khớp
a doctor who has special training in treatment for arthritis.

paediatrician (n)
bác sĩ nhi khoa
a doctor who has special training in medical care for children

physiotherapist (n)
bác sĩ vật lý trị liệu
someone who treats people using physiotherapy

optician (n)
chuyên gia nhãn khoa
someone whose job is examining people's eyes and selling glasses or contact lenses to correct sight problems

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