crack someone up (phrasal verb)
/kræk ˈsʌmwʌn ʌp/

làm ai cười ngặt nghẽo

to make someone laugh a lot

crack someone up

a recipe for disaster (phrase)
/ə ˈrɛsəpi fɔr dɪˈzæstər/

một công thức cho thảm họa

something that is likely to end badly

a recipe for disaster

back in the day (phrase)
/bæk ɪn ðə deɪ/

ngày xưa, rất lâu về trước

a long time ago

back in the day

a different story (idiom)
/ə ˈdɪfrənt ˈstɔri/

một chuyện khác, một điều khác

not the same as

a different story

sin (n)

tội lỗi (liên quan tới Tôn giáo, Đạo đức)

an act of breaking a religious law, or such acts considered together


behind closed doors (idiom)
/bɪˈhaɪnd kloʊzt dɔrz/

không công khai, kín

in private; in one's private life

behind closed doors

rare (adj)

hiếm, hiếm có, quí hiếm

not often seen or found, and therefore admired or valued very much


divorce (n)

sự ly dị, cuộc ly hôn

the legal ending of a marriage


the norm (n)
/ðə nɔrm/

tiêu chuẩn, quy phạm

a situation or a pattern of behavior that is usual or expected

the norm

the other day (advphrase)
/ði ˈʌðər deɪ/

mới đây, trước đó mấy ngày

a few days ago

the other day

shack up (phrasal verb)
/ʃæk ʌp/

sống thử, góp gạo thổi cơm chung

to start/be living with someone that you have a sexual relationship with, but that you are not married to

shack up

accurate (adj)

chính xác, đúng đắn

correct and true in every detail

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