will (n)

mong muốn, ý chí

someone's determination to do what is necessary to achieve what they want


erosion (n)

sự xói mòn

the process by which the surface of land or rock is gradually damaged by water


defence (n)

sự bảo vệ, phòng thủ

actions that you take to protect someone or something that is being attacked


imprison (v)

bỏ tù, tống giam

to put someone, something in a prison


heap of leaves (phrase)
/hiːp əv liːvz/

một đống lá

a large pile of leaf

heap of leaves

forester (n)

người trông coi rừng, người làm lâm nghiệp

someone whose job is to look after a forest, and to cut down and plant trees


damage (v)

gây thiệt hại, tổn thất

to harm or spoil something


risky (adj)

đầy rủi ro, nguy hiểm

involving the possibility of danger, harm, or failure


endangered species (phrase)
/ɪnˌdeɪndʒə(r)d ˈspiːʃiːz/

các loài động (thực) vật có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng

animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive

endangered species

hydroelectric dam (phrase)
/ˌhaɪdrəʊˈɪlektrɪk dæm/

đập thủy điện

a wall built across a river in order to help to produce electric power

hydroelectric dam

variety (n)

sự đa dạng

a collection or number of people, things, ideas etc that are all different from one another


cancer (n)

bệnh ung thư

a serious illness caused by a group of cells in the body increasing in an uncontrolled way


destroy (v)

hủy diệt, tàn phá

to damage something so severely that it no longer exists or can never return to its normal state


destruction (n)

sự tàn phá

the act of destroying something


reconstruction (n)

việc xây dựng lại

the process of building something again


treat (v)

chữa trị

to use drugs , exercises , etc. to cure a person of a disease or heal an injury


create (v)

tạo ra

to make something new or original that did not exist before


vegetation (n)

thực vật, cây cối

plants and trees


conservation (n)

sự bảo tồn

the management of land and water in ways that prevent it from being damaged or destroyed


breed (v)

nuôi, gây giống

to produce new plants or animals from existing ones

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