criticize (v)

chỉ trích, phê phán

to express disapproval of someone or something


conflict (n)

sự xung đột, sự mâu thuẫn

situation in which people, groups, or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument


blame (v)

đổ lỗi

to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening


patience (n)

sự nhẫn nại, kiên trì

the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties


spontaneous idea (noun phrase)
/spɑːnˈteɪ.ni.əs aɪˈdɪə/

ý tưởng tự phát

a suggestion that is happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced

spontaneous idea

angry (a)

tức giận, cáu

having strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about an unfair situation


shut up (phrasal verb)
/ʃʌt ʌp/

im lặng

to stop talking

shut up

consistent (a)

kiên định, nhất định

always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way


emotion (n)

cảm xúc

a feeling that you experience, for example love, fear, or anger


forgive (v)

tha thứ

to decide that you will not be angry with someone who has offended, upset, or harmed you


livid (a)


extremely angry


to jump to conclusion (phrase)
/tə dʒʌmp tə kənˈkluː.ʒən/

vội vàng kết luận, kết luận vội vàng

to judge or decide something without having all the facts

to jump to conclusion

rage (n)

cơn thịnh nộ

a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control


the last straw (phrase)
/ðə læst strɔ/

điều tồi tệ nhất

the latest problem in a series of problems, that makes a situation impossible to accept

the last straw

calmness (n)

sự điềm tĩnh, bình tĩnh



fault (n)

tật xấu

a bad or weak aspect of someone's character


mediator (n)

người hòa giải, người giàn xếp

someone who tries to help other people come to an agreement


impatience (n)

sự thiếu kiên nhẫn

the feeling of being annoyed by someone's mistakes or because you have to wait


point of view (n)
/pɔɪnt əv vjuː/

quan điểm

the particular attitude or opinion that someone has about something

point of view

to fight a battle (phrase)
/tə faɪt ə ˈbæt̬ˈ.l̩/

chinh chiến

to use a lot of effort to do something

to fight a battle
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