agrarian (adj)

relating to or involving farming or farmers


comment (n)

a written or spoken remark giving an opinion


dress up (phrasal verb)
/dres ʌp/

to put on formal clothes for a special occasion

dress up

firework (n)

an object that explodes when you light it and produces coloured lights and loud noises


get together (phrasal verb)
/ɡet təˈɡeð.ər/

to meet in order to do something or to spend time together

get together

grand (adj)

impressive and large or important


green bean (phrase)
 /ɡriːn biːn/

a long thin green vegetable that grows on a tall climbing plant

green bean

influence (v)

to affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks


kumquat tree (phrase)
/ˈkʌmˌkwɒt triː/

a tree with a small, oval fruit that looks like an orange and has a sweet skin that can be eaten

kumquat tree

longevity (n)

living for a long time


lucky money (phrase)

the money that children usually get from adults on Tet holiday in some Asian countries

lucky money

parade (n)

a public celebration in which a large group of people move through an area, often with decorated vehicles and bands playing music


pine tree (phrase)
/paɪn triː/

a tall tree with thin sharp leaves called needles that do not fall off in winter, and hard brown fruits called cones

pine tree

plum (n)

a small, round fruit with a thin, smooth, red, purple, or yellow skin, sweet, soft flesh, and a single large hard seed


pray (v)

to speak to God or a saint, for example to give thanks or ask for help


represent (v)

to speak or act officially for another person, group, or organization


shrine (n)

a religious place built to remember a particular holy person or event


Mid-Autumn Festival (phrase)

the Tet festival in the middle time of autumn

Mid-Autumn Festival

National Independence Day (phrase)
 /ˈnæʃ.ən.əlˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dəns deɪ/

a day on which a country celebrates being independent from foreign rule

National Independence Day

pagoda (n)

a tall religious building in Asia with many levels, each of which has a curved roof

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