hatchback (n)

a wide door in the back of a car that you open by lifting it up, or a car that has such a door


convertible (n)

a car whose top can be folded back or removed so that there is no roof


sports car (n)
/spɔːrts kɑr/

a fast, low car, often for two people only

sports car

windscreen wiper (n)
/ˈwɪndskriːn ˈwaɪpər/

one of two long metal and rubber parts that move against a windscreen to remove rain

windscreen wiper

number plate (n)
/ˈnʌmbər pleɪt/

the sign on the front and back of a road vehicle that shows its registration number

number plate

bonnet (n)

the metal part over the front of a vehicle


tyre (n)

a thick rubber ring that fits around the edge of a wheel of a car, bicycle, etc.


wing mirror (n)
/wɪŋ ˈmɪrər/

a mirror on the outside of a car door that allows the driver to see the vehicles that are behind or overtaking

wing mirror

headlight (n)

a large light, usually one of two, at the front of a vehicle


steering wheel (n)
/ˈstɪrɪŋ wil/

the wheel that the driver turns to control the direction that a vehicle goes in

steering wheel

dashboard (n)

the part of a car in front of the driver that has instruments and controls in it


brake (n)

a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle


power (n)

the public supply of electricity


metallic (a)

made of or containing metal


tool (n)

an instrument such as a hammer, screwdriver, saw, etc. that you hold in your hand and use for making things, repairing things, etc.


insurance (n)

an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you have an accident, injury, etc


break down (phrasal verb)
/breɪk daʊn/

collapse due to accident, an illness, or a sudden attack

break down

station (n)

a place where buses or trains stop so that passengers can get on and off


engine (n)

a machine with moving parts that uses a fuel to produce movement


function (n)

the natural purpose (of something) or the duty (of a person)

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