ex-wife (n)

vợ cũ

a woman who was formerly a particular man's wife


continue (v)

tiếp tục

to keep doing something without stopping


pregnant (a)

có thai, có mang

having a baby or young animal developing inside her/its body


issue (n)

vấn đề

an important topic that people are discussing or arguing about


hate (v)


to dislike someone very much


responsibility (n)

trách nhiệm

a duty to deal with or take care of someone or something


proof (n)

bằng cớ, bằng chứng

information, documents, etc. that show that something is true


promise (v)


to tell someone that you will definitely do or not do something


trust (v)

tin tưởng

to believe in someone or something


unhealthy (a)

không lành mạnh, không tốt đẹp

not normal and likely to be harmful


find out (phrasal verb)
/faɪnd aʊt/

tìm ra, phát hiện ra

to discover a fact or piece of information

find out

up to a point (phrase)
/ʌp tu ə pɔɪnt/

cho đến khi

till a certain time

up to a point

get back (phrasal verb)
/ɡɛt bæk/

quay trở lại

to return, especially to your home

get back

keep in contact (phrasal verb)
/kip ɪn ˈkɑntækt/

giữ liên lạc

to still see, speak or write to someone

keep in contact

put oneself back (phrasal verb)
/pʊt wʌnˈsɛlf bæk/

tự đặt mình vào

to use a lot of effort and energy on a particular situation

put oneself back

to be honest (phrasal verb)
/tu bi ˈɑnəst/

thành thật mà nói

to speak truthfully

to be honest

to have cake and eat it too (idiom)
/tu hæv keɪk ænd it ɪt tu/

bắt cá hai tay

to want to have two special things at the same time

to have cake and eat it too

remind (v)

nhắc nhở

to cause to remember


second thought (n)
/ˈsek.ənd θɑːt/

so đo tính toán, suy xét lại

thinking again about a choice previously made

second thought

regarding (prep)

liên quan đến, về việc, về ai

concerning someone or something; about someone or something

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