single room (n)
/ˈsɪŋ.ɡl̩ ruːm/

phòng đơn

a room in a hotel for one person

single room

key card (n)

khóa từ, khóa cửa điện từ

a small, plastic electronic card that is used instead of a key to open a door

key card

elevator (n)

thang máy

a small room that carries people or goods up and down in tall buildings


reservation (n)

sự đặt chỗ trước

an arrangement by which something such as a room in a hotel is kept for you to use later


vacancy (n)

chỗ trống

a space or place that is available to be used


lobby (n)

tiền sảnh

the area just inside the entrance to a hotel, theatre, or other large building


reception (n)

quầy lễ tân

the place in a hotel or office building where there is someone whose job is to welcome visitors


peak season (n)
/piːk ˈsiːzən/

mùa cao điểm

the time of year when a lot of people travel and prices are usually at their highest

peak season

suite (n)

dãy phòng

a set of connected rooms, especially in a hotel


rate (n)

giá phòng

a fixed amount of money that is paid daily for a hotel room


registration form (n)
/redʒ.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃən fɔːrm/

đơn đăng ký

a officially printed list of questions that records name or information.

registration form

room number (n)
/ruːm ˈnʌm.bɚ/

số phòng

a number assigned to a particular room within a building

room number

fill out (v)
/fɪl aʊt/

điền vào

to write the necessary information on an official document

fill out

luggage (n)

hành lý

bags and suitcases that you take on a journey


available (a)

có sẵn, còn trống

able to be bought or used


double room (n)
 /ˈdʌb.l̩ ruːm/

phòng đôi

a room in a hotel for two people

double room

porter (n)

nhân viên khuân vác

a person whose job is to carry things, especially travellers' bags at airports, hotels, etc.


waiting list (n)
 /weɪt̬ɪŋ/ lɪst /

danh sách đợi

a list of people who have asked for something that is not immediately available but will be in the future

waiting list

receipt (n)

biên lai

a piece of paper that proves that money, goods, or information have been received


deposit (n)

tiền đặt cọc

an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something

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