security check (noun phrase)
/sɪˈkjʊə.rɪ.ti tʃek/

kiểm tra an ninh

the techniques and methods used in protecting passengers, staff and aircraft

security check

flight attendant (n)
 /flaɪt əˈten.dənt/

tiếp viên hàng không

someone who serves passengers on an aircraft

flight attendant

luggage cart (noun phrase)
/ˈlʌɡ.ɪdʒ kɑːt/

xe đẩy hành lí

small vehicles pushed by travelers to carry individual baggage mostly suitcases

luggage cart

runway (n)

đường bay

a long road used by planes when they land and take off, usually at an airport


departure lounge (n)
/dɪˈpɑː.tʃər laʊndʒ/

phòng chờ khởi hành

the area in an airport where passengers wait before getting onto an aircraft

departure lounge

baggage carousel (n)
/ˈbæɡ.ɪdʒ ˌker.əˈsel/

băng tải chuyền hành lí

a moving belt from which you collect your bags at an airport

baggage carousel

metal detector (n)
/ˈmet.əl dɪˈtek.tɚ/

máy dò kim loại

an electronic machine that is used, for example at an airport, to see if people are hiding metal objects such as weapons

metal detector

security tag (noun phrase)
/sɪˈkjʊə.rɪ.ti tæɡ/

thẻ an ninh

a technological method for preventing luggage shoplifting or losing

security tag

ticket agent (noun phrase)
/ˈtɪk.ɪt ˈeɪ.dʒənt/

nhân viên kiểm vé

staff checks tickets

ticket agent

hand luggage (n)
/hænd ˈlʌɡ.ɪdʒ/

hành lí xách tay

small bags that you take with you onto the plane

hand luggage

customs officer (n)
/ˈkʌs.təm ɒf.ɪ.sər/

nhân viên hải quan

a person whose job is to make certain travellers are not taking goods into a country without paying taxes

customs officer

passport (n)

hộ chiếu

an official document containing your photograph and showing which country you are a citizen of


check-in counter (noun phrase)
/tʃek ɪn kaʊn.tər/

quầy kiểm tra thủ tục

the place at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting

check-in counter

ID (n)

chứng minh thư

a document that gives the details of your name, address, and date of birth, sometimes with a photograph


visa (n)

thị thực

an official document or mark in your passport that allows you to enter or leave a country for a specific purpose or period of time


boarding pass (n)
/ˈbɔːr.dɪŋ pɑːs/

thẻ lên máy bay

a card that a passenger must have in order to be allowed to get on an aircraft

boarding pass

goodbye (n)

 lời tạm biệt

the words or actions that are used when someone leaves or is left


access (v)

truy cập

to open a computer file in order to get or add information


wait (v)

chờ đợi

to stay where you are or delay doing something until somebody/something comes or something happens


web (n)

trang web, mạng

a system for finding information on the Internet

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