stressed out (adjphrase)
/strɛst aʊt/

quá căng thẳng

too anxious and tired to be able to relax

stressed out

so-so (adj)
/soʊ soʊ/

tạm ổn, tam được

not good and not bad


have one's hands full (idiom)
/hæv wʌnz hændz fʊl/

rất bận

to be very busy

have one\'s hands full

every once in a while (phrase)
/ˈɛvri wʌns ɪn ə waɪl/

thi thoảng, đôi khi


every once in a while

erratically (adv)

thất thường, một cách không đoán trước

in a way that not happening at regular times; not following any plan or regular pattern


bound to happen (phrase)
/baʊnd tu ˈhæpən/

rất dễ xảy ra

very likely to happen

bound to happen

sooner or later (idiom)
/sunər ɔr ˈleɪt̮ər/

không sớm thì muộn

at some time in the future, even if you are not sure exactly when

sooner or later

pass away (phrasal verb)
/pæs əˈweɪ/

qua đời

to die

pass away

gone downhill (phrase)
/ɡɔn ˌdaʊnˈhɪl/

trở nên tồi tệ hơn nhiều

to have become much worse

gone downhill

in general (prepphrase)
/ɪn ˈdʒɛnərəl/

nói chung, nhìn chung

as a whole

in general

a good bit (phrase)
/ə ɡʊd bɪt/

nhiều, khá nhiều

a lot

a good bit

mix something up (phrasal verb)
/mɪks ˈsʌmθɪŋ ʌp/

nhầm lẫn, bị lẫn

to think wrongly that someone or something is someone or something else

mix something up

cloudy (adj)

bị mập mờ, khó hiểu

not clear or transparent


dosage (n)

liều lượng, liều dùng

an amount of something, usually a medicine or a drug, that is taken regularly over a particular period of time


a bunch (n)
/ə bʌntʃ/

một mớ, một đống

a large amount of something; a large number of things or people

a bunch
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