laundry room (n)
/ˈlɔːndri ruːm/

phòng giặt ủi

a room in a house use for washing clothes

laundry room

playground (n)

sân chơi

an area of land where children can play, especially at a school or in a park


fire escape (n)
/ˈfaɪər ɪˈskeɪp/

chỗ thoát khi hỏa hoạn

a metal staircase on the outside wall of a building that people use to get out of the building when there is a fire inside

fire escape

intercom (n)

loa truyền thanh

a system or a piece of electrical equipment that allows people in different parts of a building, aircraft, or ship to speak to each other


security system (n)
/sɪˈkjʊərəti ˈsɪstəm/

hệ thống báo động

a set of electronic equipment is used for protect people in the building

security system

doorman (n)

người gác cửa

someone whose job is to be in charge of the main entrance of a building, such as a hotel or a block of flats, and help people when they go in or come out


vacancy sign (n)
/ˈveɪkənsi saɪn/

bảng cho mướn nhà

a board that announces the tenant knows a space or place that is available to be used

vacancy sign

security gate (n)
/sɪˈkjʊərəti ɡeɪt/

cổng bảo vệ

a gate is used for checking security in the special places

security gate

storage locker (n)
/ˈstɔːrɪdʒ ˈlɒkə(r)/

kho chứa đồ

a small room that you store clothes, books, and other personal things in temporarily

storage locker

parking space (n)
/ˈpɑː(r)kɪŋ speɪs/

chỗ đậu xe

an area is used for parking car, bike, motorcycle, etc

parking space

swimming pool (n)
/ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl/

hồ bơi

a large structure is filled with water for people to swim in

swimming pool

balcony (n)

ban công

a place where you can stand just outside an upper window


courtyard (n)

sân chính

a square area that is surrounded by buildings or walls


recreation room (n)
/ˌrekriˈeɪʃ(ə)n ruːm/

phòng giải trí

a room in a public building where people can relax, play games, or watch television

recreation room

alley (n)

đường hẻm

a narrow street or passage between or behind buildings


peephole (n)

lỗ nhìn

a small hole or crack in a door, wall etc that you can see through


door chain (n)
/dɔː(r) tʃeɪn/

dây xích cửa

a rope make from metal, which is use for sealing the door

door chain

landlord (n)

chủ nhà

a man who owns a house, flat, or room that people can rent


tenant (n)

người mướn nhà

someone who rents a flat, house, office, piece of land etc from the person who owns it


lobby (n)

hành lang

the area just inside the entrance to a hotel, theatre, or other large building

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