altitude (n)

độ cao

the height of a place or thing above sea level


Botanical Garden (n)
/bəˈtænɪk(ə)l ˈɡɑː(r)d(ə)n/

vườn bách thảo

a public garden where many types of flowers and plants are grown, for people toenjoy and for scientific study

Botanical Garden

cave (n)

hang, hang động

a large hole in the side of a hill or under the ground


destination (n)

nơi đến, đích

the place where someone or something is going


glorious (a)

rực rỡ, lộng lẫy

very beautiful in a way that makes you feel happy


left-overs (n)

thức ăn còn thừa

the food that remains at the end of a meal after you have finished eating


permission (n)

sự cho phép

the right to do something that is given to you by someone in authority


persuade (v)

thuyết phục

to make someone agree to do something by giving them reasons why they should


picturesque (a)

đẹp như tranh

attractive in appearance , especially in an old-fashioned way


resort (n)

nơi nghỉ

a place that many people go to for a holiday


site (n)

địa điểm, vị trí

an area of land where something is being built or could be built


campfire (n)

lửa trại

a fire built outside by people who are camping


police station (n)
/pəˈliːs ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n/

đồn cảnh sát

the building where the local police force works

police station

suppose (v)

nghĩ rằng, tin rằng

to think or believe that something is true or possible (based on the knowledge that you have)


accept (v)

chấp nhận

to agree to do what someone asks or suggests


anxious (a)

lo âu, lo lắng

worried because you think something bad might happen


get married (v)
/ɡet ˈmærid/

kết hôn

to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife

get married

travel sickness (n)
/ˈtræv(ə)l ˈsɪknəs/

say tàu xe

a feeling of illness, especially of needing to vomit, that some people get in amoving vehicle

travel sickness

grassland (n)

đồng cỏ

a large area of land covered with grass


merrily (r)

vui vẻ

showing happiness or enjoyment

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