tired of (phrase)
/tʌɪəd əv/

mệt mỏi

in need of rest or sleep

tired of

angry with (phrase)
/ˈaŋgri wɪθ/

tức giận với

feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger

angry with

fond of (phrase)
/fɒnd əv/

yêu thích

having an affection or liking for

fond of

full of (phrase)
/fʊl əv/


containing or holding as much or as many as possible

full of

different from (phrase)
/ˈdɪf(ə)r(ə)nt frəm/

khác với

not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality

different from

proud of (phrase)
/praʊd əv/

hãnh diện về

feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities

proud of

busy with (phrase)
/ˈbɪzi wɪθ/

bận với

having a great deal to do

busy with

afraid of (phrase)
/əˈfreɪd əv/

sợ, e ngại

feeling fear or anxiety; frightened

afraid of

interested in (phrase)
/ˈɪnt(ə)rɪstɪd ɪn/


showing curiosity or concern about something or someone

interested in

famous for (phrase)
/ˈfeɪməs fə(r)/

nổi tiếng về

known about by many people

famous for

aware of (phrase)
/əˈwɛː əv/

nhận ra, có ý thức về

having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact

aware of

innocent of (phrase)
/ˈɪnəs(ə)nt əv/

vô tội, không liên quan

not guilty of a crime or offence

innocent of

familiar with (phrase)
/fəˈmɪlɪə wɪθ/

quen thuộc với

well known from long or close association

familiar with

similar with (phrase)
/ˈsɪmɪlə wɪθ/

giống với

having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity

similar with

disappointed with (phrase)
/dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd wɪθ/

thất vọng với

sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfil one’s hopes or expectations

disappointed with

keen on (phrase)
/kiːn ɒn/

say mê cái gì đó

interested in or attracted by (someone or something)

keen on

surprised at (adjphrase)
/sə(r)ˈpraɪzd ət/

ngạc nhiên về

having the feeling that you get when something unexpected happens

surprised at

worried about (phrase)
/ˈwʌrɪd əˈbaʊt/

lo lắng về

anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems

worried about

bored with (phrase)
/bɔːd wɪθ/

chán cái gì đó

feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied

bored with

good at (phrase)
/gʊd ət/

giỏi về

skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing

good at
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